Sunday, December 9, 2007

Detroit? Are you sure they said Detroit?

The Detroit Free Press pointed out a NY Times story that put together a list of 53 places to go in 2008. Why would they have any interest in pointing this out? Well, Detroit was 1 of only 6 U.S. cities to make it into the list. Yes, right now I'm listening to hear if anyone has fallen off of their rocker. They site the new hotels (the casinos of course and the Westin Book Cadillac makeover) and the newly renovated Detroit Institute of Arts as the attractions to come for.

While I think the hotels are very luxurious and the DIA is probably a site to see, Detroit just doesn't come to mind as 1 of the top places to come to for a vacation. I don't feel like people plan their time around Detroit, but rather Detroit plans it's time around people who happen to be passing through. This list of 53 has locations around the world. Do you think someone in another country plans to visit?

I hope Detroit doesn't become known for it's casinos and nice hotels. There is so much more history and charm than that. The sports, the music, the auto industry. Although, it's probably better than being known for your crime and decay. Detroit will hopefully crawl out from under the shadow of those stereotypes.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

No joke...

A new book and website is out that recounts the personal stories of 7 mothers who lost children due to suicide caused by bullying. The Detroit Free Press has a story about one of the mother's in the book who is trying to raise awareness in schools about the effects of bullying.

It's a very interesting and sad story. Even though I was one of the biggest guys in school, I was still tormented during my school days. I was never down to the point of suicide, but I could definitely see how kids could be affected by these situations in their own schools. I just pray parents and teachers are aware enough to help these kids before it happens again.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Let's go Tigers!

The Detroit Free Press reports the Tigers will reach the attendance mark of 3 Million people this year. It's quite a change from just 2 years ago. So far, I've attended 3 games this year and if I'm lucky, I might make it to another one before the season is over. If we're even more lucky, maybe there will be some tickets available in October. So, in an act of redundancy, Let's Go TIGERS!!!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

My computer, mags, and music, but no passport...

An interesting blog post on News today that talks about air travel without an ID. It turns out, you are not legally obligated to show your ID during your security check at the airport. Not only can you choose to not show your ID, it usually gets you to the front of the line while they perform the more "thorough" secondary check.

While confrontation is not my cup of tea, I really would like to try this out sometime. I'm not some advocate that wants to buck the system or fight for my absolute rights, but if it gets me through the process faster, why not. On the other hand, I don't feel like telling them I don't have it when in fact it's on my person. So I have to have some expectation I will run into resistance if I try it out. Is it worth it, to be the "rebel"?

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Hey, you can't do that...

So, here's an interesting story. Viacom is claiming copyright infringement from a user on YouTube for posting a show from VH1. You ask yourself, "So? What's new?" Well, what's new was, the user had posted something original to YouTube, and VH1 took the clip from YouTube and put it on their VH1 show. All he was doing in return was posting the show on YouTube to show his original work. I know, that's a lot to take in.

Let's put it in perspective. I video myself and put it on YouTube. VH1 finds my video, then puts it on their show and calls it "Fair Use". I in turn, put the show that shows my YouTube video, back on YouTube, and they tell me I can't do it.

It looks like there is a legal battle over it all. Go check out the story for some more info. All in all, you say potato, I say patato. You know?

Friday, August 31, 2007

Advertising can be so good...

I found an article on that tells us about the ad campaign for the Dallas Stars showing up on billboards around the city. Here's a couple of the messages that seem to be catching someone's eye:

"The only thing our refs shave is the ice."

"One game a week? Is the N in NFL for Nancy?"

"Maybe baseball should stop using the word sacrifice."

Those are some pretty funny ads. Nothing like digging on some of the other sports to show how tough your sport is. Too bad America doesn't appear to care about hockey. Maybe these ads will help a little.

Monday, August 13, 2007

It's true, isn't it?

A story on cnet news blog posted the following headline:

"Say what? 'Nobody reads newspapers anymore' allegedly gets columnist fired"

Apparently this columnist didn't run this one by his editor's before it went to print. Although, it's probably not the greatest thing in the world to talk about down swing of the industry you're working for, but isn't he correct in his statement? We're pretty much getting the news delivered on Sunday's, and that' not so I can sit down and read it, it's because we like to get the ads and coupons that come with it. I get most of my news from the internet. It's turned into a ticker world.

Wired Magazine had an article in their most recent issue that highlights what newspaper and media companies are doing to make it on the internet. It's quite interesting how difficult at first it was to get their employees to buy into it.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Do we really care what Elton John thinks...

Apparently, Elton John isn't a fan of the internet. A post on cnet's news blog reported on an article in The Sun where he states he thinks:

" would be an incredible experiment to shut down the whole Internet for five years and see what sort of art is produced over that span."

While I understand he's advocating the arts can be so much better when there's physical collaboration, I think it's a bit close-minded to believe the Internet should be shut down because it has changed a medium of expression. Think of the information and convenience we would lose if we no longer had the internet. I mean, are you saying I would actually have to talk to people in person that I couldn't communicate with on Facebook?

Update Aug. 12, 10:09PM: Elton John has a pretty nice website for someone who hates the internet.

A trophy not worth keeping...

According to the Detroit Free Press, a man was spotted this morning at 5AM on the city's west side carrying a trophy. When a police officer stopped him to ask some questions, he dropped the trophy and ran. According to the story, the following was inscribed on the trophy:

"The Gamest of Show, Aug. 10, 2007."

Apparently the man had just left a dog fight with the win and was proud enough to walk down the street with the trophy. If ever the words "smoking gun" had any more meaning. It's just sad that people feel the need to do something that hurts animals so much. We adopted our last dog, Shadow, from the Dearborn Animal Shelter. When we toured the shelter, more than half of them were pit bulls. More than likely, they were left on the streets of Detroit when they were no longer useful as fighting dogs, left for dead.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

A positive Detroit headline? That's absurd...

The following headline is from the Detroit Free Press:

"Detroit named No. 1 sports city"

Although I first saw this story on an rss feed from a Detroit newspaper, it is actually referring to the Sporting News article published today. It's actually a breath of fresh air to see that Detroit is recognized nationally for something other than a trite stereotype. We might even celebrate this award without turning cars over and burning them.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Think people, think...

So, here's the headline for a story I saw today in the Detroit Free Press:

"Special prosecutor sought for judge caught with gun at airport"

Without initially reading the story, here's the thoughts that ran through my head:

1) When was it ever legal to bring a gun to the airport?
2) Are these the same judges that talk to criminals, or is 'Judge' just a fond nickname for 'Idiot'?
3) I really hope they weren't trying to smuggle drugs in the gun

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Google is at it again...

I came across a blog today on that attempted to predict the future of Google and how they could be poised to destroy the cell phone industry. Although it's mostly a tongue-in-cheek prophecy, Don Reisinger states in this blog that:

" ...people will be tossing their iPhones, Razrs and every other cell phone into the nearest river."

It is a pretty interesting take on the news that has come out recently regarding Google's plan to buy the 700 mhz pipeline. I can't imagine what it'd be like to have free broadband anywhere you want. The future seems so bright, especially for techie's.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Miles and miles of miles...

So I ran across a blog maintained on one of my favorite magazine's website. It talks about Mileage Running, a concept I had never heard of before. They claim that:

"Mileage runners are the high-tech nomadic wanderers of the air. Predominantly male, generally obsessed with flying and miles, and typically employed in white-collar careers that involve significant business travel, they scour the web for cheap flights, phoning in sick or using vacation days to fly the longest itineraries they can string together."

This concept is very intriguing especially given the fact I used to be one of those travelers. My biggest problem is that the company I worked for at the time didn't allow me to stick with one carrier. I think if I were single and I was in an industry that flew me everywhere, I would be doing the same thing. Why not? Especially if it was on the companies dime. I knew someone at my work right now who still had 200,000 miles banked with Northwest Airlines and he hadn't traveled in two years. Whenever he and his wife wanted to go somewhere for a weekend or a trip, they didn't have to worry about the pricing scheme that was out there at the time.

Although, it does bring up an interesting question. How does all this flying affect our planet?

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Changing my ways...

I've been trying to change my ways ever since I read a blog entry from my friend Kevin about the amount of spaces after a period, where he states:

"two spaces is a relic from the days of typewriters"

I have found that this type of change is not something you can do overnight. I've been taught ever since the time of Mavis Beacon that I must use 2 spaces after each sentence. At work alone, I probably write at least 30 to 40 emails a day. It's just not that easy. I need to retrain my eyes, fingers, and most importantly my brain to keep up with the times. I feel if continue to use something from the past, then how can I be on the cutting edge of technology. I know, flawed thinking indeed.

Quote of the day...

Missouri Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder, explaining why his state will host a new pro cycling race:

"We did not want to wake up and see in the newspaper that Wisconsin was doing this, or Iowa, or, God forbid, Kansas."

This quote was found in a news ticker on the Detroit Free Press website. Seems like there's quite a bit of "event" envy in those states. It almost sound like something the Gov. of Ohio would say about Michigan.

Monday, July 16, 2007

I should be going to bed...

I know, I should be in bed right now, but I thought I would blog instead. I thought I would share what I currently use the computer for nowadays, since I probably have a tab on Firefox open for at least 2 of them right now. I use the computer the most for the following 5 things;

news and blog reading
paying the bills

The internet sure keeps me up to date with the news and my friends a whole lot more than Tivo, XM, or a phone ever will. Before I started using Google Reader, I didn't have any connection to the real world. I would listen to XM Radio, where it's music 24/7, and with Tivo, we hardly watch any live TV, let alone the news.
Anyways, I hope some of you get some insight into what I do with my home computer and laptop. Although, it may be mindless at times, the internet is a wonderful thing.

Bye for now...

Friday, July 6, 2007

Ahhh, the late shift...

So, I'm on my lunch break right now. Although I typically eat a late lunch, I'm taking a late one now because I'm working until 8PM. So, I'm in a Caribou Coffee, using a Panera Wifi connection on my Toshiba laptop.

I just have make it 4 more hours and then I can be home for the weekend with my wife!

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Dispatchers track down 4-year-old who called 911 nearly 300 times

Dispatchers track down 4-year-old who called 911 nearly 300 times

Note to self: Make sure you take the battery out of your old cell phone before giving it to my 4-year-old.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Romeo woman suing over candy she says displaced jaw

Romeo woman suing over candy she says displaced jaw

Are you kidding? $25,000 for chewing on candy? Sounds like operator error to me.

ESPN - Bucks seek dialogue with Yi - NBA

ESPN - Bucks seek dialogue with Yi - NBA

If you don't want to play for the team that drafted you, then you don't play basketball. It's that simple. If I don't like what happens at my job, I don't work for them anymore. Did I miss something?

Man rescued after cruise ship jump, apparently drunk, authorities say

Man rescued after cruise ship jump, apparently drunk, authorities say

Ok, before even reading the story, I could tell you 3 things about this story.

1) This happened on a Carnival Cruise Ship
2) The guy was probably with a bunch of other friends
3) The guy is probably in his 20's

Tell me that's not funny...

Monday, July 2, 2007

Hey, here's something cool...

OK, so I found something that might make people come back to my blog. Maybe... I just added a widget to the right hand side of my blog that will update people about articles and blogs that I read. I probably will update it at least once a day. I use Google Reader to read blog posts and News and now I have a feed right to my blog page to show others what I think is interesting. Let me know what you think. That is, if anyone cares.

Bye for now...

My blog is boring...

Well, I'd admit it, who would ever want to read this blog. I'm going to have to assume that no one really knows I have this blog. Maybe I should let everyone else know. Ahhhh, I'm lazy and it will probably never happen.

If I make this blog a little more interesting, then people might be a little more interested in reading it more often. I'll have to get my thinking cap on and get going. Motivation is a funny thing sometimes.

Bye for now...

Saturday, June 2, 2007

[ ] Love And Respect - About Love and Respect

[ ] Love And Respect - About Love and Respect

Our small group is starting a 14 session study around this book. We're pretty excited about it. I'll have to let you all know how it goes.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Subject Line?

I'm trying to get a subject line from my phone. I know, boring.

So. This is my first ever blog post from my phone. Sweet!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Detroit Haters

OK, I get the whole rivalry thing in sports. But what makes an entire crowd chant "Detroit Sucks!!!" during a playoff game. Is it because they don't have anything better to chant? Is it because of the syllable content of the phrase? Do they really fit so well together that it's that easy to scream? Or is that the way people cheer nowadays?

I've been to all kinds of sports games here in Detroit. I've been to Tiger games, Pistons, Red Wings, and even the dreadful Lions. I've even taken in a couple UMich and Michigan State football games. I don't ever remember the crowd chanting that the other team sucks. I guess it's kind of difficult to "chant" something that doesn't go together. I mean "Chicago Sucks" or "Anaheim Sucks" just doesn't have the same ring. Then again, I think I have heard "Bull S***" chanted plenty of times by our good ol' home crowd, so all we hate are bad calls by officials.

I just thought I would point out the less obvious idea that we still don't flip our cars over and burn 'em after every playoff win. And as you can see, the sarcasm continues to flow like molasses on a Michigan Winter day.

Go Pistons!!!
Bye for now...

Sunday, May 27, 2007

A New Blogging Revolution (maybe...)

This is pretty much the same as Xanga, but it's Google. How can you go wrong with Google. We'll see if it gets me any further with my blogging abilities.

Bye for now...