Thursday, September 6, 2007

My computer, mags, and music, but no passport...

An interesting blog post on News today that talks about air travel without an ID. It turns out, you are not legally obligated to show your ID during your security check at the airport. Not only can you choose to not show your ID, it usually gets you to the front of the line while they perform the more "thorough" secondary check.

While confrontation is not my cup of tea, I really would like to try this out sometime. I'm not some advocate that wants to buck the system or fight for my absolute rights, but if it gets me through the process faster, why not. On the other hand, I don't feel like telling them I don't have it when in fact it's on my person. So I have to have some expectation I will run into resistance if I try it out. Is it worth it, to be the "rebel"?

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