Monday, August 13, 2007

It's true, isn't it?

A story on cnet news blog posted the following headline:

"Say what? 'Nobody reads newspapers anymore' allegedly gets columnist fired"

Apparently this columnist didn't run this one by his editor's before it went to print. Although, it's probably not the greatest thing in the world to talk about down swing of the industry you're working for, but isn't he correct in his statement? We're pretty much getting the news delivered on Sunday's, and that' not so I can sit down and read it, it's because we like to get the ads and coupons that come with it. I get most of my news from the internet. It's turned into a ticker world.

Wired Magazine had an article in their most recent issue that highlights what newspaper and media companies are doing to make it on the internet. It's quite interesting how difficult at first it was to get their employees to buy into it.

1 comment:

Keri Harrison said...

Are you ever going to update your blog? :)